Love and frustration
I was so excited that our rescue has been receiving phone calls! The people I have worked with so far are amazing and loving and want to do what they can for the animals. I was so excited to learn that one of our dogs that we had planned to rescue just a day or two before getting here was adopted by a wonderful family. Then these baby kittens came along whose mama left them on someone's property and we are able to get them the care they need and find them their furever home! I love that we are able to help and have such a wonderful community of people here and around Stuart VA that have offered us their support and help!
What frustrates me are the few calls and the many many messages through social media about people wanted to support our rescue and who want to help the animals and who are willing to do something to help. Then they turn around and try to scam the rescue out of money. It is hard to take people at their word now when it seems to me that so many people hide behind a computer screen and try to take advantage of real hardworking people out here trying to make a difference. I was writing this blog not just for showing people our journey but as a place where I can put my feelings down and come back and reflect and let people know that it is not all about cute dogs and cats and horses, it is a struggle to stay afloat and there will be days that are harder than others, but there will also be days that I can look at what I am trying to accomplish and be proud even if it starts with two kittens, I can say that I am making a difference and the people around me, family and community and the many animals we plan to help or have helped is what will make it all worthwhile.